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Religious Education


Butts Primary is a community of different nationalities, cultures and faith groups. We celebrate our diversity and offer a welcoming environment for all of our pupils “whatever their gender, race, ethnicity or ability”. 

The national curriculum for Religious Education actively promotes the values of truth, justice, respect for all and care of the environment. It places specific emphasis on;

  • Pupils valuing themselves and others
  • The role of family and the community in religious belief and activity
  • The celebration of diversity in society through understanding similarities and differences
  • Sustainable development of the earth and care for creation


RE is a subject that celebrates diversity and provides an opportunity to celebrate and foster an awareness of our differences in our school and in the wider world. By exploring similarities and differences within and across faiths we believe that pupils will learn to understand and respect faiths other than their own and will develop respect for other religions, beliefs, values and traditions.


Within RE we encourage the children to ask questions, make personal reflections. Children will be encouraged to think and explore, express and explain their ideas, enabling them to make reasoned and informed judgments on religious, moral and social issues. By developing their sense of identity and belonging children will be better prepared for a life in a multicultural society.  The programmes of study aims to develop critical thinking and reflections. Children's knowledge is developed so that they should make rich connections across the wider curriculum and apply these critical thinking skills to the broader curriculum.

At Butts Primary, the Walsall Agreed Syllabus for RE is delivered through units published by RE Today. The units are enquiry-based and pupils can develop their knowledge through a series of questions. These units encourage pupils to acquire a rich substantive knowledge of religions and worldviews, be able to express and understand ideas and have the skills to investigate religions and worldviews. Aspects of Christianity are part of pupils’ learning in each year group, developing the learning progressively. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Humanism are also covered. Children are encouraged to question their own thoughts and experiences as well as of those around them.

In addition to RE, collective worship takes place at Butts Primary through; celebration/ achievement assemblies in which pupils who have reflected best the school rules and achieved well are celebrated. Pupils with the most Dojos are also valued by awarding them with School Community Awards.

Religious Education progression map
