Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
At Butts Primary School we celebrate being 'one school, one community.' Learning and experiencing a foreign language helps provide pupils; an opening to other cultures, fosters curiosity about the wider world and supports an understanding of living in a multi cultural society.
The core language we teach at Butts Primary is French and lessons are supported by the Classroom Secrets French scheme. Lessons are interactive, engaging and expose children to the French culture along with the language. This helps provide the foundation for learning further languages at secondary school.
While our MFL lessons are focused on learning French, as a school we offer a range of wider opportunities to experience different languages. Each year we celebrate European Languages Day, where activities and challenges are set so every child has the opportunity to experience different languages from across our continent.
Diversity is promoted throughout our curriculum, as pupils are exposed to different languages in History, Geography, Music and RE lessons. Key events from different cultures and religions are also celebrated.