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Our Curriculum Vision


At Butts Primary, we are proud of our broad and balanced curriculum.  The school has the motto 'One school, one community'  and this is the intent behind the curriculum.  Community concepts create the golden thread that runs through our curriculum. They are key concepts that pupils will learn as part of their learning journey through our curriculum (see community concept table below). We implement this by looking at different types of communities - our family, geographical communities, local and historical communities and their impact. We weave the concept of community through our foundation curriculum so that by the time the pupils leave us in Year 6, they have a more sophisticated idea of the concept of community. In addition,  inclusion, diversity, equity and well-being are our key values in its wider form and impact on life and the wider world.


The curriculum is based on knowledge and skills and is packed with exciting topics, creative arts, diversity, fun and a commitment to an inclusive attitude towards all pupils and furthermore a commitment to our local community.  


Links across the curriculum are made where appropriate and where learning can be enriched and deepened. 


Extra-curricular provision is well planned to maximise pupil participation, enjoyment and support the whole curriculum.   School offers a high quality and broad range of sports after school, during lunch time and PE.  Pupils participate in a range of competitive sports.  Pupils are encouraged to become School Ambassadors, and take other leadership roles in school.  Many pupils are offered tuition and peer mentoring. 


In addition, there is well-planned timetable of enrichment, which is often linked to novels, special days etc. School participates in the Walsall Diversity Linking project, enabling pupils to mix and work with other pupils from different cultural backgrounds.  This has been very effective and enjoyable. 


Safeguarding is both our strength and priority.  Keeping pupils safe and aware of dangers is very important to us.  Pupils are well trained in all aspects of keeping themselves safe including prevent, online safety and workshops provided by NSPCC.  Our designated team offer a safe place for pupils to talk. 


We are an inclusive school and offer a curriculum that meets the needs of ALL pupils.  SEND pupils are assessed quickly and supported by precise targeted teaching.  All pupils are expected to make good progress with quality first teaching. School offers nurture sessions to support pupil well-being. Well-being days and weekly activities helps pupils to consider and manage their well-being. 


Working with the local community is very important to us.  School works with Ablewell Food bank; it is a linked partner with WHG (Walsall Housing Group).  It has links with both Walsall College, the local allotment, the local creative arts hub, Wolverhampton University, QM High School and local places of worship. 


Gaining knowledge of our local community, wider and global community is important to us.  Pupils are encouraged to develop a better understanding of current affairs and listen to different viewpoints on current weekly topics.  They then have the opportunity to debate, form their own opinions and vote.


We believe in supporting our community and encourage, signpost parents to courses which may help them to in supporting their children or gaining new skills/qualifications.


Parents are welcome in school and work alongside their children during parent and pupil sessions, join us for assemblies and support fetes, shows and other school events.  Please have a look at the Community Film that we have made:-


Curriculum Policy & Community Concept Overview
