If you are considering Butts Primary School for your child(ren) please check the entrance criteria below. If there are more applications than there are places available, places will be allocated using the following criteria:-
1. Children in Public Care (looked after children).
2. Pupils who have a sibling already in attendance at the school and who will be still attending the school at the proposed admission date.
3. Pupils for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker.
4. Distance between the home address and the school as measured in a straight line with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.
5. The Governors offer Nursery places on a 'waiting-list' system. There is no specific catchment area restriction for this age. Prior to entering Nursery, there are home visits to ease the transition from home to school. Nursery also operates Open Days for children and parents to become familiar with staff and the building. Parents are informed by letter that gaining a Nursery place does not guarantee a Reception place within our school.
Mid Year Admissions
Mid-Year Admissions should be directed to School Admissions based at:-
Admissions & Pupil Place Planning
Walsall MBC
2nd Floor
Civic Centre
Darwall Street
Telephone 01922 652585
Email primary.admissions@walsall.gov.uk
The school operates a computerised pupil database containing details of emergency telephone contacts, doctors details etc. On admission to our school, parents / carers will be asked to complete a 'Pupil Contact Sheet', a 'Parental Consent Form' and a 'Walsall NHS Community Health Form'.
Please let the school office know immediately of any changes to your child's contact details. For example:-
It is vital that we are able to contact you in case of an emergency.
Please find below a link to the LA's admission arrangements.
Reception Admissions
Please click on the links below for letters to advise on the timetable for admissions and a letter from Walsall MBC informing parents as to the process.
If you require any help, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01922 721073.