The school teaches the National Curriculum for English. We set targets for reading, writing, and spelling, grammar and punctuation. These targets inform the teachers planning and are shared with pupils and parents to enable pupils to make the best progress possible.
Reading is taught from Nursery up to Year 6. Initially, pupils are taught phonics through RML- the Ruth Miskin Literacy scheme. Please see link below for Early Reading Phonics videos.
Pupils then progress onto the Oxford Reading staged books/ free use of the library. Pupils requiring additional support to learn to read are able to access Bug Club, daily readers intervention groups, after school tuition and Beanstalk reading programme.
Guided reading is a key part of the development of reading. Pupils are taught the discrete reading domains in both Key Stage 1 and 2 and teachers use a range of tools including whole class and differentiated texts and Cracking Comprehension. This enables pupils to have the necessary skills to access more complex texts independently.
English and writing is taught from Nursery and is largely based around novels which may be linked to the wider curriculum. Pupils work towards producing longer, extended pieces of writing each week, in both English lessons and across the curriculum. Pupils are expected to edit and re-draft their writing.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation
This is taught through English lessons and also using the Rising Stars spelling scheme, spellings may also be selected from the wider curriculum. Pupils are set and tested on spellings weekly.
Speaking and listening
Pupils are encouraged to articulate their learning and to speak clearly and confidently using good vocabulary.
Nursery and Reception use the Welcomm and Talk Boost programmes to develop good speaking and listening techniques and there is also a Little Learners Pragmatics group.
There are many opportunities for speaking and listening within our broad and balanced curriculum.
Please find below the progression map for English. This shows all the objectives taught from Year 1 progressing to Year 6.